
Nov. 16, 2015, 5:36 p.m. GMT

  (Severe) Controls and media elements should have labels  (4) [controlsWithoutLabel]
  (Warning) These elements are focusable but either invisible or obscured by another element  (105) [focusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden]
  (Warning) The web page should have the content's human language indicated in the markup  (4) [humanLangMissing]
  (Warning) The purpose of each link should be clear from the link text  (7) [linkWithUnclearPurpose]
  (Warning) Text elements should have a reasonable contrast ratio  (105) [lowContrastElements]
  (Warning) Meaningful images should not be used in element backgrounds  (105) [elementsWithMeaningfulBackgroundImage]
  (Warning) The web page should have a title that describes topic or purpose  (4) [pageWithoutTitle]
  (Severe) Tables should have appropriate headers  (105) [tableHasAppropriateHeaders]
  (Severe) This element has an unsupported ARIA attribute  (5) [unsupportedAriaAttribute]

Number of rules failed: 9
Error total: 444